Thursday, August 19
Another record turnout of Fun-Runners celebrates Ed's birthday.
Ed  celebrates by resting.  Good idea.

L-R: Sandor, Jim, Tony, John, Justin, Christine, Andy, Dick (on time!), Alan, Ed K., Marty, Alan, and Bonnie
Front: Michelle, Tom, Ali, and Karen
BTC: Nathan
Monday, August 16
Dry cooler weather finally greets Thursday night Fun Runners, including
veterans of recent summer races

L-R: Sandor, Elena, Karen, Ali, Ed, Lynne, Ed, Roy, & Marty
Seconds later: Andy
Saturday August 14

Nice car.  Going anywhere?


Behind the Camera: Roy

Thursday, August 12

L-R: Michelle, Joanne, Ali, Ed D., Andy, Jim, Alan, Sandor, Andy, Karen
Front: Sandy, Dolly, Ed K., Christine, Tony, Justin, Julie
Too late for pic: Dick, Ray, & Kathy
BTC: Nathan

Don't forget our weekly track workouts at
Upper Dublin High School
Wednesday evenings
(Click here for details)





Click on a picture below for a Fun Run Testimonial

























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